Signature Move

BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival Release Date:

Sunday 26th March 2017

Signature Move poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 20 minutes approx.


Zaynab's life is pretty much filled with her work as an immigration lawyer and, like the good Muslim daughter she is, taking care of her recently widowed mother Parveen. However, sharing a home together comes at a cost; the constant re-arrangement of Zaynab's favourite paintings and the TV always tuned to the Pakistani soap operas Parveen obsesses over. Then there's the whole 'when are you going to find a man and settle down' speech. It's delivered daily, but Zaynab has deftly learned to deflect it, as there's a few things Parveen doesn't know about her daughter: Zaynab's preference for women being one of them. As such, she's quite happy existing in her little closet and keeping her mother at arms-length. But then Mexican firebrand Alma comes into her life and falling in love puts a whole different pressure on living with mum.

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