Sea Tomorrow

Open City Docs Release Date:

Wednesday 29th March 2017

Sea Tomorrow poster
Contains smoking. Suitable for 8 years and over
1 hour 29 minutes approx.


The End. Or rather, long after the end of the world as we know it; when global warming is more than a topic of conversation, when financial crises are no longer about numbers, when ideas of right and wrong are only as relevant as they are practical. This is when the documentary film "Sea Tomorrow" is filmed. Set on the arid seabed of the former Aral Sea, the film takes us on a journey into the world after the apocalypse, a world where nothing prevails but emptiness and silence. But in this emptiness and seeming silence, hidden from the public eye, something is gathering strength. And it is growing with an enormous conviction, matched only by the force of a sea, and the need for a towel on a scorching post-apocalyptic beach.

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