Summer in the ForestThe Idiots

UK Cinema Release Date:

Friday 23rd June 2017

Summer in the Forest poster
Contains infrequent mild bad language. Suitable for 8 years and over
1 hour 47 minutes approx.


An unfiltered, authentic comedy of errors, The Idiots reveals the lives of people with intellectual disabilities in a village house on the edge of a beautiful forest just north of Paris. If there are rules to break, they will be broken. If there is a truth to be told, they will tell it. Like countless others Philippe, Michel, Andre and Patrick were rejected as 'idiots' and locked away in violent local asylums until the sixties when the great pioneer philosopher Jean Vanier secured their release, set up permanent home with them, and came to realise that they knew something the rest of us are forgetting: what it is that makes us truly happy.

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