Resurrecting Hassan

BFI London Film Festival Release Date:

Saturday 7th October 2017

Resurrecting Hassan poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 40 minutes approx.


With passion, the three members of the Harting family make a living singing a cappella ballads in the Montreal metro. All three are blind and haunted by the tragic drowning death of the only seeing member of their family, Hassan. Enter Russian mystic and cult-like leader Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi, who promises to help his followers regenerate and resurrect the dead. For the Hartings, Hassan's resurrection is their only hope for completing their family once more. With intimate access and unflinching observations, the film chronicles the Hartings' attempts at dealing with their collective grief. What emerges is a highly unusual family portrait of three complex yet lovable characters.

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