The Way StationDao cua dan ngu cu

London East Asia Film Festival Release Date:

Tuesday 24th October 2017

The Way Station poster
Suitable only for adults
1 hour 33 minutes approx.


Phuoc wanders aimlessly and stops at the restaurant Dem Trang owned by the boss. Slowly, Phuoc realises the lives of the people who work in this restaurant - this family. Sharing the living space and working life with Phuoc is Ahmed and Mien. In the crumbling space of the restaurant, there is also Xiem Hoa - the pretend wife of the boss, and a beautiful woman named Chu - the boss's daughter. Phuoc arrives, makes friends with Mien and Chu. Jealousy, payback, and violence between Mien and Phuoc take place in their little love triangle. The boss finally finds out about his daughter's secret sex life with the workers. The imperious father does an unexpected thing.

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