Chosen: Custody of the Eyes

Glasgow Film Festival Release Date:

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Chosen: Custody of the Eyes poster
Suitable for 8 years and over
1 hour 50 minutes approx.


Set within the Corpus Christi Monastery in Rockford, Illinois, Chosen: Custody of the Eyes forms an intimate portrait of Heather*, a former blogger and painter confronting what she believes is her calling: Becoming a cloistered contemplative nun in one of the strictest religious orders. Chosen is a coming-of-age story by first-time filmmaker Abbie Reese in collaboration with Heather, who became the film's primary cinematographer. The Novice Mistress deemed this project a "once in a lifetime" occurrence - permitting a video camera to capture monastic life from the inside. *She selected the alias "Heather" to reflect the Poor Clare Colettine pursuit of anonymity.

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