The African History of Sport

UK Cinema Release Date:

Tuesday 1st May 2018

The African History of Sport poster
Suitable only for adults
1 hour 30 minutes approx.


At least five thousand years ago, ancient African civilisations in KMT/Egypt, Nubia/Sudan, Ethiopia and Nile Valley East African kingdoms, invented a 'Grand Philosophy' which they called several names, including Sewetwet and Sedjay Her. For the peoples of the Nile, "Sewetwet" or "Sedjay Her", was the ultimate union of brain, brawn and spirit. They used it for pleasure, leisure, Warcraft or military training, governance and foreign policy, and treated it on par with intellectual fields like religion, law, medicine, natural sciences, art and, certainly, a combination of all of the above. These activities have become known and popularly practiced as Sport. Today, few education systems in the world, if any, treat sport as a product of thought. For example, the British National Curriculum introduces sport to children as physical education, or PE. Ironically, sport involves all intellectual properties or characteristics but has never been treated respectfully by any modern education system. Why is this?!! Perhaps, this is because the "Grand Philosophy of Sewetwet," invented by Black Africans, did not survive invasion and colonisation by Greeks - or colonization and enslavement by Romans, Arabs and Western Europeans - all of whom destroyed the philosophical and spiritual premise of Sewetwet and reduced it to physical activities for the brawny. This film revisits scenes of ancient glory.

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