Unraveling Athena

Manchester International Film Festival Release Date:

Sunday 10th March 2019

Unraveling Athena poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 43 minutes approx.


The extraordinary journey of an ordinary girl who became a Heroine. There is only one story, this is hers. Unraveling Athena is a feature documentary that chronicles the journey that Women Tennis Champions pass through - from small child with a large racket, to ranked player, and ultimately to WTA number one in the world, and beyond - her Journey after reaching the pinnacle. The film explores the ingredients, the common themes and qualities, that account for the remarkable achievements of these women, from different generations, nationalities and personalities. Our film uses Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, a powerful narrative arc followed by many films, as a structural spine, interweaving the lives of these champions to create a single, unified narrative of modern day contemporary heroines. Unraveling Athena will also introduce us to the journey of the brain, a topic never discussed in sports films. Unraveling Athena is the story of a journey, not only in professional tennis, but a.

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