Leitis in Waiting

BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival Release Date:

Friday 22nd March 2019

Leitis in Waiting poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 12 minutes approx.


Leitis in Waiting is a raw yet tender portrait of Joey Mataele, the leader of an intrepid group of leitis, or indigenous transgender women, fighting a rising tide of religious fundamentalism and intolerance in their South Pacific Kingdom. The film follows Joey, a devout Catholic of noble descent, as she organizes an exuberant beauty pageant presided over by a princess, provides shelter and training for a young contestant rejected by her family, and spars with American-financed evangelicals threatening to resurrect colonial-era laws that would criminalize the leitis' lives. With unexpected humor and extraordinary access to the Kingdom's royals and religious leaders, her emotional journey reveals what it means to be different in a society ruled by tradition, and the challenge of fulfilling the promise of human rights for all without forsaking culture and tradition. This is an inside story, created by a transgender Native Hawaiian who once competed in Joey's beauty pageant.

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