
BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival Release Date:

Wednesday 27th March 2019

TransMilitary poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 33 minutes approx.


The 2018 SXSW Audience Award-winning feature film debut by Gabriel Silverman and Fiona Dawson, TransMilitary follows the Emmy-nominated short film Transgender, at War and in Love. Around 15,500 transgender people serve in the US. military (notably the largest transgender employer in the U.S.), where they must conceal their gender identity because military policies ban their service. TransMilitary chronicles the lives of four individuals (Senior Airman Logan Ireland, Corporal Laila Villanueva, Captain Jennifer Peace and First Lieutenant El Cook) defending their country's freedom while fighting for their own. They put their careers and their families' livelihoods on the line by coming out as transgender to top brass officials in the Pentagon in hopes of attaining the equal right to serve. The ban was lifted in 2016, but with President Trump now trying to reinstate it, their futures hang in the balance again.

No upcoming screenings.

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