Sepultura Endurance

Doc'n Roll Film Festival Release Date:

Saturday 30th March 2019

Sepultura Endurance poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 40 minutes approx.


Sepultura Endurance is an honest portrait of Sepultura: part concert film, part testimonial to the power of music, part intimate insider-hang and unseen footage of the last 30 years, featuring interviews with legends like Lars Ulrich and Scott Ian, and younger artists influenced by Sepultura, like Slipknot's Corey Taylor. Being on the road for almost 30 years, founding a genre of its own and influencing a generation of younger bands, these Brazilians have proved to be a true institution. To date, Sepultura has released 14 albums, sold millions of albums worldwide and earned multiple gold and platinum records across the globe. Filmmaker Otavio Juliano followed Sepultura as they toured and recorded their last 3 albums, a time of tension and triumph for the band. This amazing story goes through Sepultura's history, myths, conflicts, personnel changes and struggles in the early 2000s. We see them at their most vulnerable and human, and also as idols of the heavy metal genre.

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