Get Her... If You Can¿Qué te juegas?

UK Cinema Release Date:

Sunday 14th April 2019

Get Her... If You Can poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 30 minutes approx.


Madrid (center to Spain and country's capital). Roberto Allende-Salazar is a selfish and arrogant CEO with a luxurious lifestyle without a worry, which family shipping company's control is divided with his two brothers, the youngest, inept and absent-minded Fernando, a geek obsessed with the navy, and Daniela, an aggressive and full-time CEO obsessive with the work who wants to close some subsidiaries companies and fire a great part of the employees to cut losses. Trying to convince her about his new project (a new kind of turbine for ships), Roberto discovers that Fernando wants to leave the company and giving his support and vote to any Daniela's decision. Meeting with Fernando, he and Roberto make a deal: find someone to seduce Daniela to change her mind about the turbine. If Roberto wins, Fernando will give Roberto the vote, but if Roberto fails, turbine's patent will given to the Spanish Navy. A few days later, during a company's party, Roberto meets Isabel, a stand up comedian.

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