Ardaas Karaan

UK Cinema Release Date:

Friday 19th July 2019

Ardaas Karaan poster
Contains suicide references and infrequent moderate bloody images. Suitable for 12 years and over
2 hours 20 minutes approx.


Ardass Karaan explores the Generation Gap faced by families. Three elderly men live in Canada with their families and realise that each generation has a different conflicting opinion about life. The elderly men believe spending time with each other and communicating may help bridge their gap. But each time the family plans to spend time with each other they end up arguing. One day the elderly gentlemen come across Sehaj and Magic who are full of positivity and agree to help them understand their families but are given a week to accomplish this. Will Sehaj and Magic manage to find a common thread for the three differing generations to live together in harmony? How will they use Ardaas (prayer) to convey their message about life?

No upcoming screenings.

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