Transcending Waves

UK Cinema Release Date:

Sunday 13th October 2019

Transcending Waves poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 15 minutes approx.


In their newest surf doc, they scout the Falkland Island, an archipelago with over 700 island in the southern hemisphere. Since the Falkland War in 1982, the island are still a politically difficult topic and the relation of its inhabitants to Argentina is still very much reserved. With their project, the brothers want to create new bonds and promote peace. With the intention, not to open old wounds but to travel this not well known island, they start their journey. They go on a road trip for 50 days, to get to know the local culture and of course to look out for waves. They explore uninhabited islands and are overwhelmed by the beauty of the nature along the coast lines. They share waves with two brothers from the islands and try to bond to overcome the conflicts history.

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