
UK Cinema Release Date:

Friday 18th October 2019

Solidarity poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 16 minutes approx.


Solidarity is about the secretive methods used against UK activists and trade unionists. Blacklisted construction workers and activists spied on by the police share their ongoing struggles. Blacklisting in the UK construction industry impacted thousands of workers who were labeled 'troublemakers' for speaking out and secretively denied employment. Activists uncovered alarming links between workplace blacklisting and undercover policing. Solidarity attentively follows meetings between activists and law students, brought together for the film, revealing the determination of a community working together to find a route to justice. The debut feature length film by artist filmmaker Lucy Parker it has been made alongside and features members of Blacklist Support Group, core participants in Undercover Policing Inquiry, and members of other campaigning groups.

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