I am Belmaya

UK Cinema Release Date:

Friday 15th October 2021

I am Belmaya poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 21 minutes approx.


In patriarchal Nepal, Belmaya, at 21, has given up on finding happiness. An uneducated Dalit, with an oppressive husband and baby daughter, she yearns for independence. Rewind to 2006, when she was a rebellious teenager living in a girls' home. Grabbing the chance to learn photography, she wanted to change her world. But the home locked away her camera. I Am Belmaya follows her transformational journey from 2014 as she once again picks up the camera, this time to train as a documentary filmmaker. But are her husband and community ready for this? Struggling against violent opposition, Belmaya makes a personal film, Educate Our Daughters, which wins hearts and awards, taking her to places she never dreamed she would go.

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