Don't Forget To Remember

UK Cinema Release Date:

Monday 26th February 2024

Don't Forget To Remember poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 17 minutes approx.


This unconventional documentary from Ross Killeen is an emotive human story featuring the artist Asbestos and his journey through the slow decay of his mother's memories as they disintegrate due to her advancing Alzheimer's disease. The film explores the fragility of memory and the lived experience of those with Alzheimer's, whilst also celebrating a family's life lived together. In collaboration with the artist Asbestos, the film opens up an honest conversation about the brittleness of memory and finds that even though Alzheimer's brings elements of disintegration and destruction, the memories we have of our loved ones will endure and last, even if they've disintegrated in the mind of the sufferer.

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