Wheels of Civilization

UK Cinema Release Date:

Friday 3rd May 2024

Wheels of Civilization poster
Age rating / classification to be confirmed
1 hour 58 minutes approx.


Wheels of Civilization' delves into the intricate interplay between indigenous xenophobic tribes from Odisha and accomplished young British female doctors undertaking a work experience journey in the forest tribal region, alongside an Indian doctor who has returned from the United States. The narrative unfolds as these young medical professionals find themselves ensnared in a clash between the rapacious timber mafia, relentlessly ravaging the forests, and the resolute primitive tribes, fiercely defending their natural habitat. Despite possessing contemporary healthcare expertise and adhering to stringent hygiene practices, the doctors inadvertently overlook the environmental repercussions of their lifestyles, notably the excessive use of plastic. Conversely, the primitive tribes, while embracing environmentally friendly practices, lack adequate hygiene standards, reject modern medicine, and rely on traditional witchcraft beliefs. This film serves as a testament to our proficiency in crafting compelling and enlightening content that not only captivates audiences but also fosters a sense of responsibility towards our planet and its inhabitants. Entitled 'Wheels of Civilization', the film conveys the pivotal message that the harmonious coexistence of modern and primitive foundations is imperative for the advancement of humanity and the prevention of environmental catastrophe. Additionally, it conveys a social message regarding Indian doctors reconnecting with their roots, women's empowerment, and support for differently-abled individuals. Furthermore, it showcases and promotes the vibrant art and tribal culture of Odisha in a positive light..

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