Avengement poster

While released on furlough from prison, a lowly criminal evades his guards and returns to his old haunts to take revenge on the people that made him a cold-hearted killer. It's an epic, bloody battle to search for the soul he lost years ago...

The Muppet Movie poster

While living the quiet life in a swamp, Kermit the Frog is approached by a Hollywood agent to audition for the chance of a lifetime. So Kermit takes this chance for his big break as he makes the journey to Hollywood. Along the way, Kermit...

Urojahaj poster

Legendary Bengali filmmaker Buddhadeb Dasgupta, akin to Guillermo Del Toro, introduces perhaps his finest film. An idealistic villager discovers a wrecked WW2 Japanese warplane deep in a ghostly forest. Seeing passenger planes...

Chuskit poster

Sprightly Chuskit's dream of going to school is cut short when she is rendered a paraplegic after an accident. She's confined to life indoors in the company of her strict grandfather, Dorje. Chuskit continues to harbor hopes of...


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