Tejas poster

Revolves around the extraordinary journey of Tejas Gill, an Air Force pilot, and aims to inspire and instill a deep sense of pride in the valiant soldiers who tirelessly defend our nation, confronting numerous challenges along the...

Rózyczka 2 poster

MEP Joanna Warczewska, daughter of an outstanding writer, is at the peak of her life. Her thriving political career and family happiness are instantly destroyed by a terrorist attack in which her beloved husband is killed...

Stolen poster

Giving voice to those silenced for far too long, Stolen tells the story of several survivors of mother and baby home institutions across Ireland.

A Year in a Field poster

Christopher Morris films a field near his home in Cornwall every day from the Winter Solstice 2020 to the Winter Solstice 2021.

The Hearing poster

Four asylum seekers reenact their conversations with the authorities in a role-playing game that reverses the roles. What happens when your future depends on your ability to tell your own life story in a convincing way.


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