Friday 19th January 2024
Yuan Chang, Wei Fan, You Ge, Xiaotong Guan, Chengru Li and Shu Qi
Set in 2031, Qin retiring alone on a small island, as his wife Xiaoxiao is away all year long. Fan, Qin's friend, designs an android identical to Xiaoxiao to keep Qin company. Spending time with the android and old friends.
Saturday 20th January 2024
Saturday 20th January 2024
Ibrahim Büyükak, Yasemin Sakallioglu, Basak Parlak, Anil Ilter, Tolga Evren and Rahmi Dilligil
Ferhat and Asli, who are very close friends, have bad days after being unhappily abandoned by their lovers Serra and Canberk, and finally end up being together.
Tuesday 23rd January 2024
Louis Hofmann, Jonathan Berlin, Luna Wedler, Nina Gummich, André Jung and Marc Limpach
Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Alexander Fritzemeyer, Dietrich Kluge, Martin Kosok, Jutta Lieck-Klenke and Bady Minck
Cioma Schönhaus, a 21-year-old Jewish man, escapes the Gestapo and saves lives thanks to his ability to forge passports. His other talent is forging his own identity.
Saturday 7th October 2023
Sally Jane Hannam, Caroline Gilbert, Simon Brodrick-Ward, Shane Hannam, Michael Ross and Matt Brimilcombe
A former nurse who lost her sight has gained the ability to see and speak to ghosts.