Aanandhapuram Diaries poster

Nandini faces divorce and a battle with cancer. Her arranged marriage disrupted her studies. Determined to returns to college, makes friends but unknowingly tied to drug ring.

Bhimaa poster

Mysterious incidents at a historical temple bring a detective to a small town to investigate. He seeks the truth behind the strange happenings.

Gaami poster

A reclusive Aghori, who has a rare human condition goes into uncharted territory to find a cure to it.

The Lyricist Wannabe poster

Believing that writing Cantopop is her God-given talent, Law Wing Sze decides to make it her lifelong career. But as hard as Wing Sze tries, nothing seems to go her way. What if there's a will, but there's no way.

Cabrini poster

After witnessing disease and poverty in the slums of New York, Italian immigrant Francesca Cabrini embarks on a daring journey to persuade the hostile mayor to provide housing and healthcare for hundreds of orphaned...


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