Srikanth poster

Blind Srikanth gets into MIT, founds Bollant Industries. Pursues goals for visually impaired while facing entrepreneurial challenges, navigating personal sacrifices. Highlights obstacles overcome by the blind in...

Rajkumar poster

A journey of a son separated from his mother during the 1971 war. A son embarks on a quest to reunite with his mother in the United States, the profound impact of his search leaving an indelible mark and shattered his life...

Krishnamma poster

Three orphans form an unbreakable bond, growing up together on the Krishna River's banks in Vijayawada, India, and become each other's family.

Poppay Ki Wedding poster

A modern era boy visits hometown for his sister's wedding, soon discovering his own proposal finalized with a girl he's never seen. Fighting against the family customs, his only mission is to at least see the face of his...

I Love You, To the Moon, And Back poster

Newlyweds Lin Xiushan and Wang Rui, living apart due to work, seize a holiday for a loving journey by train where they meet diverse passengers and discover love's true meaning before night falls, yearning to make their dreams...


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