Fanny's Journey poster

Fanny and her sisters attempt to escape Nazi occupied France but many dangers are ahead of them.

Maria per Roma poster

Maria is an aspiring actress working for a letting agency in Rome. Follow her hectic life and discover the 'real' Rome and its conflicting relationship with tourism.


Rey poster

In 1860, a French lawyer dreamed of becoming the King of Patagonia. And he did just that. Or so it seems.

The Messenger poster

The film chronicles the struggle of songbirds worldwide to survive in turbulent conditions brought about by humans and argues that their demise could signal the crash of the global ecosystem akin to the disappearance of honey bees and the...

An Opera of the World poster
  • UK Cinema Release Date:

    Sunday 26th November 2017

  • Directed By:

    Manthia Diawara

The centrepiece of Manthia Diawara's An Opera of the World is a staging of Wasis Diop's Bintu Were, A Sahel Opera in Bamako, Mali in 2008 - a pioneering work telling the story of migration from West Africa to Europe by combining...


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