Lomax in Éirinn poster

Pol Brennan of Clannad takes a look at Alan Lomax's visit to Ireland during his quest to preserve the folk music of the world.

Those Who Come, Will Hear poster

Those Who Come, Will Hear proposes a unique meeting with the speakers of several indigenous languages of Quebec. The film starts with the discovery of these unsung tongues through listening to the daily life of those who still speak them...

It's Not the Time of My Life poster

A year ago Ernella, Albert and their 10 year old daughter, Laura, left the country for a better life. They haven't managed to succeed in Scotland, so they came back. In the middle of the night they turn up at Eszter's place, the sister of...

Anote's Ark poster

What happens when your nation is swallowed by the sea? With the harsh realities of climate change looming, the low-lying Pacific nation Kiribati must find a new solution for the survival of its people. With sweeping cinematography...

Dark wind poster

A blind old man and a young bank loan recovery agent, ironically both coming from two extreme weather conditions having zero contribution to the global climate change, fight for their survival. Once famous for it's farming, the people of...


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