Genesis 2.0 poster

On the remote New Siberian Islands in the Arctic Ocean, hunters are searching for the tusks of extinct mammoths. There is a gold rush fever in the air. The price for white gold has never been so high. The thawing permafrost not only...


Ice poster

Contemporary Russia. Nadya gives up her dream of becoming a champion figure skater when she is hospitalized with an injury. But then she meets Sasha, a hockey player, who decides to teach her to believe in herself and her dream...

Asino poster

Anatoly Vasilyev's feature length debut places the donkey as a hero throughout history, from Jesus Christ riding one into Nazareth in the Old Testament to modern day Italy's Palio Di Siena donkey racing celebrations. Vasilyev uses eight short...

Dreamcatcher poster

For twenty-five years Brenda Myers-Powell called herself 'Breezy' and she dominated her world, or that's what she thought. It was a world that had turned her into a teenage, drug-addicted prostitute. After a violent encounter with a...

Killing Gaza poster


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