Monty Python's Life of Brian poster

The story of Brian of Nazareth, born on the same day as Jesus of Nazareth, who takes a different path in life that leads to the same conclusion. Brian joins a political resistance movement aiming to get the Romans out of...

Ballad of a Righteous Merchant poster

An never before seen portrait of the legendary and visionary director Werner Herzog. Narrated through the eyes of Herbert Golder a close friend and colleague. This film provides a behind-the-scenes look at the master at work...

Leonard Bernstein - A Genius Divided poster
  • Manchester International Film Festival Release Date:

    Saturday 9th March 2019

  • Starring:

    Leonard Bernstein

As one of the first US born conductors to receive worldwide fame, Leonard Bernstein is an exceptional composer, not only due to 'The West Side Story'. Instead of concentrating exclusively on his most famous work, Thomas von...

Sidelined poster

NFL Cheerleaders find themselves embroiled in controversy and constant media coverage after they pose for Playboy magazine in 1978.

A Great Day in Paris poster
  • Manchester International Film Festival Release Date:

    Sunday 10th March 2019

  • Directed By:

    Michka Saal

A Great Day in Paris is a 10-year project documenting Ricky Ford's gathering of 75 respected American jazz musicians living in France. It centers around the recreation of a celebrated photo by Art Kane but on the steps of...


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