Ispade Rajavum Idhaya Raniyum poster

Fight Club poster

A nameless first person narrator attends support groups in attempt to subdue his emotional state and relieve his insomniac state. When he meets Marla, another fake attendee of support groups, his life seems to become a little...

RISE: The Story of Augustines poster

In August of 2009 singer William McCarthy's younger brother James, in the midst of a lengthy incarceration on charges of attempted murder, was found dead of an apparent suicide inside Napa State Hospital. Just one week...

The Green Fog poster

Director Guy Maddin's interpretation of the Alfred Hitchcock classic Vertigo, pieced together using footage from old films and television shows shot in and around the San Francisco area.

Facing the Dragon poster

As the United States withdraws from Afghanistan and the Taliban regains their hold, the country's rules of law take a hit and threats of violence increase against Shakila, a journalist, and Nilofar, a local politician increase. They are...


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