Making Sweet Tea poster

E Patrick Johnson's oral history of gay Black men in the South, Sweet Tea, was based on the memories and perspectives of six friends. This is the story of how his research became a play, and what it meant to capture a community at the cultural...

If it Were Love poster

They are fifteen young dancers of various origins and horizons. They are touring Crowd, Gisèle Vienne's dance piece on the 90's rave scene. Following them from theatre to theatre, If It Were Love documents their work as well as their...

Lennox Lewis: The Untold Story poster

Motian in Motion poster

Motian in Motion, documents the career of iconic jazz drummer Paul Motian. Like a fly on a wall, Michael Patrick Kelly filmed Paul Motian for several years at various venues and recording sessions, as well as his everyday life and in his...

An Unusual Summer poster
  • UK Cinema Release Date:

    Friday 13th November 2020

  • Directed By:

    Kamal Aljafari


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