Lola poster

Lola, 18 years old, bleach blonde hair, lives in a foster home with Samir, her only friend. Impulsive and lonely, she is trying to get her diploma as a veterinary assistant. When her mother passes away, her father Phillip makes sure that Lola...

The Story of Film: A New Generation poster

Swan Song poster

Set in the near future, "Swan Song" is a powerful, emotional journey told through the eyes of Cameron, a loving husband and father diagnosed with a terminal illness who is presented with an alternative solution by his doctor to shield his family...

The Auld Game poster

Archive film matched with the explosive sound of Peat & Diesel makes for a whirlwind journey through Scotland's footballing past. From infamous clashes with England, iconic Scottish teams, star players and adoring...

The Tender Bar poster

A boy (Jr.) seeks a replacement for his father, who disappeared shortly after his birth, and bonds with his uncle Charlie and the patrons at a bar in Long Island. Uncle Charlie works as a bartender there and knows all of the staff and...


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