Friday 15th January 2021
Indra Ové, Sakuntala Ramanee, Matthew Jure, Simeon Willis, Adrian Annis and Chloe Hannaford
Daniel Barlev, Amiram Bukowski, Martin Herron and Andy Kelleher
After a series of unusual encounters, it is obvious to those that know her best, that Kathy Deane is not herself. Then comes a devastating diagnosis, and she leaves the safety of her marriage to Tim for a man she barely knows. The...
Wednesday 3rd May 2017
Scarlett Rayner, Simeon Willis, Linal Haft, Samantha White, Vanessa Mayfield and Sarine Sofair
Eternity (aged 10) lives in a haunted gatehouse at the edge of an ancient forest. She likes to dig for buried treasure in the woods, but one day she digs up something she shouldn't and the forest want it back.
Friday 28th April 2017
Nic Lamont, Adam Rhys-Davies, Laurence R. Harvey, Dan Palmer, Loren O'Brien and Simeon Willis
Sarah Barker, John Crix, Janet Derricott, Martin Gooch, Paul Groom, Sidney Malik and Kate Shenton
Filmmaker Catherine Sweeney is determined to make her zombie horror romantic comedy. However in order to get the funding she need to put a talking dog in it.