Sunday 26th June 2016
Pierre Niney, François Civil, Igor Gotesman, Margot Bancilhon, Idrissa Hanrot and Pascal Demolon
Julien Deris, Marc Dujardin, David Gauquié, François Kraus, Etienne Mallet and Denis Pineau-Valencienne
Five childhood friends have always dreamed of being roommates. When the opportunity arises for them to move in together, Julia, Vadim, Nestor, and Timothée jump at the chance, especially when Samuel offers to pay half the rent...
Sunday 26th June 2016
Franck Dubosc, Gérard Lanvin, Pascale Arbillot, Audrey Dana, Catherine Lachens and Nader Boussandel
Raymond Castans, Alexandre Coquelle, Matthieu Le Naour, Jean Lévitte, Pierre Lévy-Corti, Jean Manse, Mathieu Oullion, Cécile Sellam and Florent-Emilio Siri
Cyril Colbeau-Justin, Julien Deris, Marc Dujardin, Jean-Baptiste Dupont, David Gauquié and Etienne Mallet
François and Charlotte run together a gourmet hotel and restaurant on the edge of the sea, but their marital relationship is not fixed beauty: obsessive hard, Francis wants his first star in the Michelin Guide while Charlotte, at the...