Iwane: Sword of Serenity poster

Iwane, Kinpei and Shinnosuke are childhood friends. They also trained at the same dojo, hung out together and dreamt together. Iwane, Jinpei and Shinnosuke also become relatives through marriage. Her husband exacts revenge...

Yurigokoro poster

Adapted from a 2011 novel by author Mahokaru Numata, Yurigokoro has Ryosuke's father, who is stricken with advanced cancer, as a man with a diary. When the family discovers the father's diary in the latter's office leafing...

Her Love Boils Bathwater poster

A strict, but caring mother has an awakening when she is told she has cancer and it is terminal. She has a few months. She needs to complete her tasks in that short time frame. She needs to retrieve her husband who has vanished and get the...

Birds Without Names poster

Tawako's boyfriend is not her kind, but she puts up with it in exchange for shelter. Her old boyfriend of almost a decade ago is long gone, and was also not nice, but like most girls she still reminisces about him and is attracted to his bad ways...