William Tell poster

The narrative unfolds in the 14th Century amidst the days of the Holy Roman Empire where Europe's nations fiercely vie for supremacy and the ambitious Austrians, desiring more land, encroach upon Switzerland, a serene...

Brother and Sister poster

Alice and Louis are estranged siblings who have been avoiding each other for over twenty years and are forced to reunite after a tragedy.

Arab Blues poster

After 10 years of living in Paris, Selma has returned to Tunis. Back home, her younger cousin can't figure out why she'd leave the French capital, her aunt is overbearing, and her uncle is only giving her a matter of weeks to crash in the...

The Upside poster

A comedic look at the relationship between a wealthy paraplegic and an unemployed man with a criminal record who's hired to help him.

Christmas & Co. poster

When all the elves get sick, Santa must find a cure on Earth to save Christmas.