The Man with a Thousand Faces poster
  • UK Cinema Release Date:

    Friday 22nd November 2024

He goes by the names of Alexandre, Ricardo or Daniel. He calls himself a surgeon or an engineer, Argentinean or Brazilian. He lives with four women at the same time, adapting his story and even his personality traits to each...

Lost In The Night poster
  • UK Cinema Release Date:

    Friday 24th November 2023

Petrov’s Flu poster

A day in the life of a comic book artist and his family in post-Soviet Russia. While suffering from the flu, Petrov is carried by his friend Igor on a long walk, drifting in and out of fantasy and reality.

The Offering poster

Jan, a mysterious character haunted by a deep feeling of guilt, tries to get Violeta back, a youth love he lost 20 years ago, with a sickening plan.