Sunday 22nd October 2023
Ainoa Aguirre, Ainhoa Aierbe, Nagore Aranburu, María Barrios, Antton Bastero and Josean Bengoetxea
Pablo Echart, Laura Fernández Brites, Carlos Fernández and Iñaki Gomez
It follows Emma in her journey to learn how to communicate with the spirit of a girl who has been trapped in a hermitage for centuries, so she tries to persuade Carol, a sceptical medium, to help her.
Wednesday 30th September 2020
Elena Irureta, Ramón Agirre, Iban Garate, Paco Sagarzazu, Iñake Irastorza and Ane Gabarain
After a wave of corruption scandals in nearby towns, and before they reach his own, Patrizio Etxebeste alleges health reasons and steps down from his position as mayor of the town. Nevertheless he's determined not to lose control and...