Simple Women poster

Federica, a clumsy and graceless Italian director, had her first epileptic seizure on Christmas Day 1989, while watching the execution of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena Ceausescu on television. Since childhood, her only...

While at War poster

July 18, 1936. Salamanca, Castilla and León (centre to Spain). The Spanish army declares in the city the state of war, hoping to extend it to the rest of Spain and improve the unstable situation in the country after the proclamation of the...

The Changin' Times of Ike White poster

Released in 1974, "Changin' Times" was a stunning album of songs recorded in extraordinary circumstances - the first ever commercial album recorded inside an American prison by an inmate. It's creator was a musical prodigy, Ike White...

Heavy Load poster

The estranged brothers, Emil and Magnus, travels to Spain to bring home the body of their drunken and now dead father. But what Emil doesn't know is that Magnus only has agreed to go because of his father's valuable Rolex watch, which can...

Finky poster

A young musician with a tragic past is crippled in a car accident and given a chance at redemption when he is recruited by a violent, avant-garde circus.


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