Fordlandia Malaise poster

Postcards depict the colonisation of the Amazon jungle to build Fordlandia, a land of rubber and recklessness. Locals tell stories of the spirits and folklore that haunt the decimated landscape.

Gutterbee poster

Gutterbee is a character driven comedy about sausages and friendship. Set in small-town America, it's a story about two hopeless dreamers who join forces in a quest to erect the ultimate German sausage restaurant. Gutterbee is also a...

White on White poster

A wedding photographer becomes overly intrigued by a young bride-to-be.

Papicha poster

Algiers, 1997. The country is in the hands of terrorist groups, seeking to establish an Islamic and archaic state. Women are particularly affected and oppressed by primitive diktas, who seek to take control of their bodies and control their...

The Fight poster

The Fight is an inspiring, emotional insider look at how these important battles are fought and the legal gladiators on the front lines fighting them. Directors Elyse Steinberg, Josh Kriegman, and Eli Despres capture the rollercoaster ride of...


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