Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memories Doll poster

Violet Evergarden, a former soldier returned from war, comes to teach at a women's academy and changes a young girl's life.

The 20th Century poster

Toronto, 1899. Aspiring young politician Mackenzie King dreams of becoming the Prime Minister of Canada. But he hesitates in love between a British soldier and a French-Canadian nurse, King furtively indulges a fetishistic...

Invisible poster

Jonas pretends to be blind and enters a TV dance contest, where he meets his attractive dance partner Saule. Soon they become the show's most popular contestants. While the whole nation thinks that Jonas is blind, Vytas, an old...

Santiago, Italia poster

After the coup d'État of the Democratic government of Allende, the embassy of Italy in Santiago played a major role in helping the opposers of the regime, and extradited many of them Italy. These brave men are represented in this...

Luz: The Flower of Evil poster

Far into the mountains, in a community led by a preacher named El Señor, a new child who is supposed to be the new messiah, is brought, and with him destruction and redemption. Soon, everything will change. Not only for the...


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