Great Poetry poster

Great Poetry is about two guys who live on the outskirts of Moscow and work as cash collectors. They're young, lonely, and all they have in the world is each other. They spend their lives moving money for other people. Dreaming, they attend...

Gundermann poster

The movie deals with the real life story of East German singer and writer Gerhard Gundermann and his struggles with music, life as a coal miner and his dealings with the secret police (STASI) of the GDR.

Red Light Green Light poster

As nations around the globe attempt to fight sex trafficking, many consider legalizing prostitution. Two filmmakers travel to ten countries to explore the issue, in an attempt to answer the question of how we can prevent sexual...

Sabre Dance poster

Cold autumn of 1942. Second year of war. Former Molotov city, which was renamed after the war to Perm. The Leningrad Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after Kirov is evacuated here and in the process of tense...

The Factory poster

When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.


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