Puaada poster

Puaada revolves around a lovable and exuberant man from Punjab, Jaggi and the mesmerizing girl next door, Raunak. Jaggi is a farmer and supplies dairy to every family in his hometown. One such family is Raunak's whose father is an...

Saand Ki Aankh poster

Following the exciting story of the world's oldest sharpshooters Chandro and Prakashi Tomar, the drama marks the directorial debut of acclaimed scriptwriter Tushar Hiranandani. The film stars Bhumi Pednekar and...

Firangi poster

In the year 1920, when India's freedom movement was gaining momentum, one man firmly believed that the Britishers were not as bad as they were being made out to be.

Mubarakan poster

Karan and Charan are identical twin brothers but their personalities are polar opposite. Karan has grown up in London while Charan in Punjab. Karan is street-smart, calculative and flamboyant while Charan is simple, idealistic...